Lawn Fertilizing
in Willmar, MN

Looking to make the most of your summer in Willmar, MN? Let us help you make it happen!
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Ready for The Best-Looking Lawn in Willmar, MN?

People in Wilmar, MN expect the best out of their lives. With over 360 area lakes, close proximity to the Twin Cities and an incredible local arts scene, this central MN town is a great place to call home. One of the best ways to make sure your Willmar home looks its very best is to make sure your lawn is healthy and green.

Map of Willmar, MN

Willmar, MN Lawn Fertilizer

We always start by prepping your lawn in the spring with a quality lawn fertilizer and a crabgrass preventer. Crabgrass rears its ugly head when temperatures rise in the summer. Because we blanket your lawn with a pre-emergent crabgrass preventer combined with fertilizer, the weeds are killed before they even break the ground. You save time and money with our one-step process to fertilize and kill crabgrass.

Willmar, MN Weed Control

We all know weeds can ruin the look of your lawn. Unsightly crabgrass and dandelions are two of the biggest weed problems in most Central Minnesota yards, including those in Willmar. Do weeds damage your property, or is the curb appeal the most significant issue?

Unchecked weeds will absorb nutrients from your yard. They’ll crowd out the other plants as they grow out of control. Many people attempt weed control themselves until it wears them out with too much work for too little result. Let Grow Rite Lawn Care get rid of your weeds and give you a beautiful, thriving lawn.

Once those weeds are gone, the next step is proper treatment, so they don’t return. Grow Rite Lawn Care has various weed control options to get rid of those ugly weeds and help grow a luscious lawn.

Willmar, MN Grub Control

Most lawns in Central MN, including Willmar lawns, will deal with an infestation of grub worms. They are common little pests, these June bug larvae. You are likely to see their damage before you notice them. Those scattered, dead and brown patches here and there? Have you noticed little animals or your family pet digging more than usual? Both are common indicators of these stubborn pests. Contact us at Grow Rite Lawn Care, and we can get rid of your grub worms and prevent their return.

Along with our specially chosen weed control products, we also know how to eliminate grub worms. We will come out in the fall and do a treatment at the end of the growing season. Then, we will apply a second treatment before the new growth begins next spring. This double-elimination method will leave you with a grub free lawn and fewer June bugs to boot.

We also treat for ant control! Ask us!

Willmar, MN Lawn Aeration

For a lawn that competes with the best of Willmar, think about taking advantage of our lawn aeration services. Lawn aeration can boost the growth and productivity of your grass. It’s a simple process with a significant impact.

Lawn aeration is done with a walk-behind machine, about the size of a manual lawnmower. As the machine moves across the lawn, it punches into the soil and methodically removes soil and thatch plugs. The plugs are deposited onto the grass, where they will break down with future mowing.

When you aerate your lawn, you provide the opportunity for more light, more moisture and more nutrients to penetrate the soil. This process feeds the ground and allows the healthiest growth for your grass. A beautiful lawn is our specialty.

Here at Grow Rite Lawn Care, we know what it takes to make a beautiful lawn. Contact us today and find out how we can help you have a lawn you can be proud of.

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