Lawn Fertilizing
in Litchfield, MN

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Grow Rite Lawn Care is Serving Litchfield, MN

Hello, neighbors! Litchfield is a beautiful town with a lot of unique homes, including some that are incredibly historic. Grow Rite Lawn Care does our part in maintaining the beauty of Litchfield, so you can do your part in keeping your yard looking its best.

There are many steps to take to grow and maintain a great looking lawn. Let us help with our professional lawn care services. We can take care of everything, so you can enjoy your yard instead of working on it all the time.

Grow Rite Lawn Care‘s team of professionals is the team you want in order to have the best looking lawn in the neighborhood.

Map of Litchfield, MN

Litchfield, MN Lawn Fertilizing

One of the top priorities in creating a lush lawn is lawn fertilizing. The soil needs to be nourished and fertilized for maximum growth. At Grow Rite Lawn Care, fertilization is a natural part of our growth plan.

We take things one step further than some lawn services. We combine our fertilizer with a product to kill the crabgrass at the same time during our first application. Crabgrass can be your yard’s worst enemy. Once it shows up, it gets bigger.

After your lawn has sprouted through the ground, it’s time for fertilizer to be applied. You can expect the crabgrass to burst out from its seeds when the soil reaches 50-55 degrees for about a week. It’s usually right about the time the lilacs bloom. With our pre-emergent crabgrass preventer, the lawn receives a blanket of treatment that prevents the crabgrass seeds from taking root, and they die. Our professional fertilizer saves you time and money.

Litchfield, MN Weed Control

Because Litchfield has so many historic homes, it seems people pay more attention to everyone’s yard. Part of making sure the impression is positive is effective weed control. Weeds in a lawn are almost universal until you find a way not just to kill them, but prevent them from ever returning. Grow Rite Lawn Care considers that a benchmark. And we take significant steps to make it happen.

We’ve already talked about our pre-emergent crabgrass treatment, but we don’t stop there. We have expert solutions to all the weeds that stalk your beautiful lawn. Dandelions? We can get rid of them and prevent their return.

The best thing you can do for a healthy lawn is to get rid of the weeds. Weeds suck the nutrients out of the soil and take control of the yard. Nobody wants to see their once-healthy lawn taken over by invasive weeds. We use broadleaf herbicides to get rid of specific weeds, so your property is not harmed in our process.

Litchfield, MN Grub Control

If you’ve watched your thick, green lawn begin to turn brown and wither with no apparent cause, you probably have a grub problem. Don’t worry – Grow Rite Lawn Care knows how to eradicate grub worms so they never return.

A grub worm is the larvae stage of a June bug. This life-stage of the larvae is called a grub or grub worm, and it will multiply and eat away your lawn from the roots. Because they have a three-year life span as grubs and more come each year, it doesn’t take long before you’ve lost the battle.

Grow Rite Lawn Care knows how to take care of this season’s crop of grubs, and how to prevent next year’s predators from hatching. We can remove grubs and eggs so your lawn can get healthy. The best time of year for this is in the late summer to early fall. For grub prevention, we’ll treat your yard a second time to prevent a new hatch of grub worms.

Litchfield, MN Lawn Aeration

The most straightforward explanation for why your best Litchfield lawn starts with lawn aeration is this: every living thing needs to breathe, and lawn aeration helps your yard taken in oxygen and nutrients like never before.

Here’s how it works: our aerator is like a walk-behind mower. However, rather than cutting the grass, it removes plugs of soil, thatch and grass at regular intervals across your yard. This treatment helps your grass grow a more robust root system and produce a fuller, healthier lawn.

The best time of year to aerate your lawn is in the fall. We don’t advise aerating in the spring when seeds are sprouting and trying to take root. Aeration would destroy the tiny seeds. In the fall, everything lies fallow, and the ground can be aerated safely.

Are you ready for your lawn to catch everyone’s eye as they drive through the beautiful town of Litchfield? Give Grow Rite Lawn Care in Litchfield a call today and get started on your beautiful lawn.

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