Weed Control Service

Weeds can hinder the health and growth of your lawn. Contact us today for effective, lasting weed removal solutions.
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weed control programs

Weeds can tear up your yard and ruin your curb appeal. If you try to remove them yourself, they'll likely come back. Don't put up with the frustration of weed growth any longer. Reach out to Grow Rite Lawn Care in Willmar, Annandale, Hutchinson, Litchfield and Spicer, MN for dependable weed control service. We can get rid of any existing weeds and stop them from coming back with our weed prevention service.

why remove weeds

You may wonder if weeds are more than just an eyesore. Without weed control service, these plants can:

  • Absorb nutrients from your yard
  • Crowd out other plants
  • Grow out of control

It's important to get weed prevention service after you've removed the weeds so that you won't have to deal with them again. Call us today at 320-693-7305 to take back your yard.

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Weed-free lawn

Lawns with crabgrass

Crabgrass is a troublesome weed grass. It infests lawns across the country. Since there are many different weed grasses, it is critical that the undesirable grass be correctly identified.

Control crabgrass program

Crabgrass favors sandy, sunny locations in a weakened condition.  Areas damaged by insects or along sidewalks and driveways are prime targets for crabgrass infestation.

It establishes from seed every year. Crabgrass turns thick, lush, green lawns into thin, weak, patchy lawns. It cannot be controlled with broadleaf weed control products.

Crabgrass is an undesirable grass due to the weakness of the plant’s structure, its coarse texture and unsightly color. These characteristics do not blend well into a fine-textured, dark green lawn. If the coarse, ugly grass, infesting your lawn, is green as soon the snow melts in early spring, the weed grass is not crabgrass.  Control measures for annual and perennial weed grasses differ. If you would like to know more about this please contact us.

Crabgrass is very difficult to identify in spring since only plant skeletons are there. Crabgrass is best identified in summer or fall. For control in fall it is best for controlling the weed grass in the spring.

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A strong, healthy, properly fertilized, mowed and watered lawn provides the strongest defense against crabgrass.  Thick, lush, insect and weed free lawns allow few open sites for crabgrass to establish.  Remember, crabgrass grows from seed every year in weakened, stressed areas.

How We Control Crabgrass

Crabgrass control combines reducing numbers of crabgrass with strengthening the lawn.  We can apply a special crabgrass control product in early spring before the crabgrass seeds germinate.  This material will form a barrier to stop crabgrass seeds roots as they germinate.  Following the application, this barrier must not be broken by raking or digging.  This barrier will protect the lawn for about 16 weeks after being applied.

Crabgrass will establish in unprotected areas.  A second form of control is also available.  A highly selective annual grass control product that will eliminate existing crabgrass without harming grass or plants around it.  Applying a specially formulated fertilizer program can strengthen your lawn.  We can beautify your lawn with weed control, insect control – if necessary – and advise you on proper mowing and watering procedures.  Crabgrass in the lawn can be reduced over a few seasons of special care with a team effort.  A thick, dark green, crabgrass-free lawn is well worth the patience and special care.

Controlling Dandelions

Get control of dandelions

Dandelions can be found in all parts of the country.  Its bright yellow flower and puffy “feather-like” seed head can easily identify it. Dandelion is a deep tap rooted perennial.  Leaves are basal, lance-shaped with a slightly to deeply cut lobes that point back toward the base.  Leaves and flower stalks exude a “milky” juice when broken.  It reproduces from seed and can re-sprout from broken fragments of its taproot.

The Dandelion is a relatively easy weed to control.  However, dandelions are a constant recurring weed problem.  This is primarily due to its ability to reproduce from seed and re-sprout from its root.  A single dandelion plant can produce many seeds.  Dandelion seed has a light hairy structure that is highly subject to wind dissemination.  Therefore, seed can be blown into a previously weed-free lawn and establish due to failure of removing the entire taproot.

The best defense against weed invasion is maintaining a healthy, dense, vigorously growing turf that competes with weed encroachment.  Selective herbicides are available for control of dandelions and most other common lawn weeds.  Multiple applications are sometimes required for complete control.