Lawn Fertilizing
in Spicer, MN

Looking to spend more time soaking up the summer in Spicer, MN? We’re here to make it happen!
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Get a beautiful Lawn in Spicer, MN

Spicer is a friendly community located on the shores of Green Lake, in central Minnesota's Little Crow Lakes Region. With its scenic beauty and restful atmosphere you'll want spend some time here - whether it be for vacationing or just dropping off your family before they head back home from college! A little over 99 miles west-of Minneapolis/St Paul sits Spicer--a small town with plenty to offer visitors who come by car (or RV). If relaxation poolside enjoyment whatyou’re looking forward to then there are several resort hotels where one can find peace.

The Little Crow Lakes Region is a great place to take the kids and enjoy some family-friendly fun. No matter what time of year, you're guaranteed excellent hospitality from our local people!

Lawn Fertilizing in Spicer, MN

Grow Rite Lawn Care provides lawn fertilizing for residential and commercial properties in Spicer, MN. We offer a five application turf plan to improve and keep your lawn looking great.

After all the other lawn chores are done, be sure to apply a pre-emergent Crabgrass killer before seedlings emerge. Watch out for this weed in particular--it shows consistently around mid summer when temperatures start getting warm again and stay there for about seven more days before cooling down again towards fall (or sometimes early winter). You never have worry about Grow Rite Lawn Care's professionals because we use both products: one that kills crabgrass, which can also prevent its growth; plus professional fertilizer always on hand at our locations

Weed Control in Spicer, MN

Keeping your lawn free from weeds carries on that feeling of pride and belonging. Here at Grow Rite Lawn Care, we can help you keep your property looking its best. From preparing the ground to planting the seed to fertilizing, weed control and regular care, we do it all.

With 20 years of lawn care experience, we know a thing or two about weed control for your Annandale lawn. Crabgrass is a big problem for many of our customers throughout Spicer, MN. Our lawn fertilizer is combined with an effective crabgrass killer that does the job before the weed even gets a foothold. We stop the problem before it starts.

Your lawn can be infested with other broadleaf weeds besides crabgrass. It’s hard to look at an early summer lawn without seeing the profusion of dandelions. We can get rid of them entirely and stop them from returning. You can count on the professionals at Grow Rite Lawn Care to use the highest quality weed control products possible to care for your lawn.

Grub Removal in Spicer, MN

Grub worms are sneaky little pests, and the damage will probably start before you ever see them. With a three-year life stage cycle, these tiny white larvae can destroy the root system of your lawn, creating brown patches where the grass dries up, making it lift like sod. We know how to stop grub worms in their tracks – and we can keep them from coming back.

We treat your lawn for grub worm control starting in the fall, blanketing the grass to make sure we kill as many of the larvae as possible. We provide a second treatment in the spring to keep the next batch from hatching. No more grub worms when you call Grow Rite Lawn Care.

Aerate Your Lawn in Spicer, MN

Lawn aeration is the best way to make sure your Spicer, MN lawn is healthy and strong all summer long. When you call on Grow Rite Lawn Care to come aerate your lawn, you can count on the job getting done right. The process isn’t complicated. We use a walk-behind aerator that pulls plugs of dirt and thatch from the soil at measured intervals. This process allows the sunlight and moisture to penetrate the roots and build a strong foundation for your lawn.

The best thing you can do with these soil plugs is to leave them where they fall and let the mower help break them down. They will once again become part of the lawn they came from and help it grow.

For the best- looking lawn in Spicer, call Grow Rite Lawn Care today. We will help you have a lawn you can enjoy and be proud to show off to your friends and family.

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