Lawn Fertilizing
in Hutchinson, MN

Looking to make the most of your summer in Hutchinson, MN? Let us help you find the time to truly enjoy it!
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Best Lawn care services in Hutchinson, MN

Hutchinson is a great place to call home. From the abundance of local shops, stores and restaurants to 3M, the largest employer in town, people count on Hutchinson to always feel like their hometown. Keeping your lawn looking lush and green is a perfect way to make sure your home contributes to the overall beauty of Hutchinson.

Map of Hutchinson, MN

Hutchinson, MN Lawn Fertilizer

Fertilizer matters, and at Grow Rite Lawn Care, we use a fertilizer combined with crabgrass control for the first application. This lawn fertilizer gets rid of the crabgrass in your Hutchinson lawn before you even see it coming.

When you start to smell that indescribable scent of lilacs everywhere, the crabgrass is pushing its way through the topsoil, ready to ruin everything. The joy of the ground reaching 50-55 degrees for a week can be a prime sprouting time for this nasty lawn killer.

That’s why we use for the first application a special fertilizer that also has a crabgrass killer to do the job right. It stops the seeds from sprouting, and your lawn stays clear of this invasive killer. Lawn fertilizer is applied during each application to keep it growing healthy. Here at Grow Rite Lawn Care, our fertilizer is a professional grade fertilizer that continuously feeds the lawn all summer long.

Hutchinson, MN Lawn Weed Control

No one wants a lawn swimming in crabgrass, dandelions and other invasive weeds all summer. Along with being unsightly and lowering your curb appeal, a lawn that is overwhelmed with weeded areas can wind up conquering the entire yard. The longer they remain, the farther they spread.

Controlling weed growth isn’t just a matter of appearance. The truth is, weeds can cause several problems like:

Why not bring in Grow Rite Lawn Care to target the weeds growing in your lawn, so you can get rid of them permanently? We’re the pros in town, and your grass will appreciate our experience. Even if your yard is home to an ever-increasing patch of crabgrass or a rolling slope full of dandelions, Grow Rite Lawn Care will remove them and leave you with a beautiful lawn.

Hutchinson, MN Grub Removal

Late summer into early fall is the time you may notice patches of your lawn turning brown. You may see pets digging in the yard more than usual. When you go out to check if the grass is dry, you’ll find spots where you can roll it up like sod, with all the roots torn apart. Your lawn has been infested with grub worms.

Grub worms are June bug larvae, and they live in this stage for three years. That means you will need more than one treatment to get rid of them. We do our first grub worm treatment in the fall when the worms are most plentiful to ensure the most removal per treatment. The second treatment comes in the spring before the next hatching.

Hutchinson, MN Lawn Aeration Service

Proper lawn aeration helps your grass to grow strong and stay healthy. This process has many benefits, which mechanically pulls plugs of soil and thatch from your lawn. This carefully conducted procedure keeps the plugs evenly distributed throughout the property and deposits them back into the grass to decompose. With the plug removal, your lawn can more easily absorb oxygen and moisture. Compacted soil will be removed so the roots can spread and strengthen. Your yard will be the highlight of your block!

Keeping your lawn looking great in Hutchinson is a snap with Grow Rite Lawn Care. Contact us today and find out how we can help you grow a beautiful lawn.

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